Do our muscles hold the secret to our wellbeing?

Kinesiology is a system of holistic health care, personal and professional development and learning and performance enhancement. Kinesiology combines western techniques and eastern wisdom to promote physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, emphasising health maintenance, disease prevention and patient education.

What links the different kinesiology modalities is the utilisation of the methodology of muscle response testing which is used as a biofeedback mechanism into the human ‘bio-computer’ – the mind/body system. By applying muscle response testing the practitioner may firstly; determine what is blocking the client from achieving their goal and secondly; determine the preferable technique for treatment to correct imbalances revealed.

What to expect from a Kinesiology treatment

The corrective methods used borrow from a diversity of healing disciplines that may include energy-based methods, acupressure, reflex points, meridian and chakra therapy, neurological repatterning, specialised bodywork, various counselling approaches, allergy testing and desensitisation methods, nutritional and dietary feedback etc.  Treatment procedures are non-invasive, deeply relaxing and powerfully transformative.

The benefits of Kinesiology

Because of the versatility of the assessment procedures and techniques, Kinesiology’s application and outcomes lend themselves to improve any area of human potential. The benefits are broad and far-reaching and can assist in areas such as: insomnia; organ, system and immune dis-function; muscular skeletal tension and pain; fatigue; allergies and intolerances; vision inhibition; weight and body image problems; learning and performance difficulties, personal and professional development; fears, phobias and trauma; addictions and habits; relationships and self esteem issues; behavioral and attitudinal problems; stress, anxiety and depression; and mental clarity and emotional balance.

Article: Lyn Treloar