Aura balancing

The existence of electromagnetic fields around every object has been scientifically proven by a rare form of photography called Kirlian photography.

Metaphysicians identify the aura as electromagnetic fields of distinct yet connected layers surrounding and within the human body. There are several aspects to the aura; the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Our Aura vibrate to different colours, sounds and light frequencies and are in a constant state of flux.  The colour spectrum varies with one’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states and usually consists of more than one colour at a time. The colours in an aura vary with one’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states, an individual aura will usually consist of more than one colour at a time. The aura extends out far or remain close to the body, and can be seen or sensed.

Aura balancing techniques clear the aura that surrounds the physical body and help strengthen the consciousness so that we can better handle everyday stress, tension and emotional changes and assists to bring the mind, body and emotions into a greater creative flow.  Because we perceive the environment through our aura, a balanced aura can give us a more accurate view of the world.